Hidden Cancer Cures

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Choose Your Cancer Cure summarizes the cures for cancer provided on this website.

Electro Medicine Cancer Cures focuses on cancer cures based on electricity.

Beck Audio Lecture.mp3 An audio lecture by Dr. Bob Beck.

Kaali Patent The patent upon which the Beck blood electrifier is based.

Herbal Cancer Cures focuses on cancer cures based on herbs.

Ellagic Acid Booklet A PDF file that explains Ellagic acid.

History of Chinese Essiac A PDF file that explains how the Chinese evolved Essiac into Cessiac.

Nutrition for Immunity   What you eat is vitally important to getting well and staying well. One diet does not fit all, and there are amazing super foods that might do you well. Some foods have a known effect against cancer.

Cleanses and Detoxification will clean you out. 80% of disease would disappear if you did regular cleansing. If you do routine maintenance of your car, shouldn't you also do your body?

Enema and Liver Cleanse explains how to do a liver/gall bladder flush, and an enema.

Testimonials for a blood detox patch that I am not allowed to state.

Prevention and Cause of Cancer explains the cause of cancer, which is “unknown” in the US but known and preventable in Europe. Every disease has a cause and is therefore preventable.

Biological Terrain Explained explains the cause of cancer as related to biological terrain.

Measure Your Terrain shows how to measure your biological terrain.

Emotional and Physical Support helps you deal with the emotional side of cancer using flower remedies and aromatherapy, and Homeopathic remedies are useful for pain relief, nausea, vomiting, and healing reactions.

Personal Care: Averting the Danger discusses environmental dangers in your home and work place, from the dangers of microwaves that cook your food, to the cell phones that cook your brain.

Water  How much to drink and why to drink it.

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When Right Action is Illegal  This article explains the legal theory based on Natural Law of what your rights and government powers are, and their limits.

What If You Had a Cure For Cancer  This article explains why the government does not have the power to suppress cures to cancer.

Statute-96-1211  This statute declares the Bible to be the law of the land.

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